
Sunday, April 3, 2016

Baggy Jeans at a Fancy Party

Less than a week ago, Miss Cool asked me to join her for a home gathering at a singer’s place she knows who will perform a few songs. I thought we were going to someone’s place and there will be someone singing with a guitar to pass the time while we munch on popcorn and chips.

I told Miss Cool that I will join her and that was it. I am not sure now if she thought I understood where we were going or what is it going to be like, but she omitted details about this event.

I took a shower before I left the house, not because I wanted to but because I was kind of forced to since I was sweating from all the gym exercises. I threw some blue baggy jeans on and a loose t-shirt with flat brown sandals and I was ready to go. I didn’t even have a look in the mirror before leaving the house.

When I arrived at Miss Cool’s place to pick her up, I saw her all dressed up from head to toe. Worried, I complimented her and asked why she was so dressed up. She told me it is a party and I needed to put some make up on too because I looked like an albino compared to her. All she had was a dark and light pink lipstick. I told her it was okay; I am sure I will look great even the way I was dressed. I am fabulous after all.

Well…. maybe not. Our faces soon turned into a shock as we arrived at this so called singer’s place. The singer was filthy rich and lived in an amazing villa. But that is not it. They had organized a big event with valet parking, hostesses at the door, red carpet, professional photographers, chandeliers hanging off the trees, candle lights on both sides of the red carpet, around fifteen tables nicely decorated, stage for the singers, dancers, buffet, waiters, and bartenders. I guess you got the picture. It was a fancy event, and I was dressed as if I was going to a supermarket.

The guest list included famous doctors, ministers, singers and so on. All I was left with was my pride, I thought to myself, and now there was no turning back so I might as well just own it.

I tried my best to enjoy the party and I managed it pretty well. I was admired by certain gentlemen not because I was so underdressed but like I said, I am fabulous and look good anyway. Ha-ha.

Before leaving, Miss Cool and I decided to congratulate the host for the party and we accidently asked where will the pictures be posted so we can save them too. He then with a smile replied, “Oh they will be published in about sixteen magazines, you can’t miss it!”

Oh my goodness. I will never leave the house again dressed as if am going to bed. I am better to be overdressed than be underdressed as Miss. Cool said.

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