A man wants to look good and it is his right after all. A few decades ago, men did not bother much about appearances and focused more on being gentlemen to impress women or conquer her. Now, however, things have changed. Before we used to write letters and wait breathless for the postman to return with a letter; now we have phones, internet and all kinds of social networking apps.
Men are into fashion and probably know more about fashion than women. They probably know more about cosmetic products than women know, and last but not least, these days they are very much into working out. They would sleep in the gym too if they could. Nothing is wrong with taking care of yourself, wanting to be healthy and looking good; I am sure we all women appreciate a well groomed man who takes care of himself and knows how to dress or what perfume to wear. The problem is when a man looks like Zeus,
muscular men say, "Didn’t you want to be equal with man". Women had no right to vote and in some countries they still can’t vote or drive. This is where a woman wants to equal a man. Small things like being gentle are a part of good mannerisms.
there are chances he might not be only yours and you will have to share him with other women too.
there are chances he might not be only yours and you will have to share him with other women too.
To give you an idea of what I am really trying to say here, I am going to give a few brief examples.
While on the beach with a very dear friend of mine, I noticed that he was embarrassed to be in his swimming suit. I asked him if everything was okay with him and his reply was, "I am a bit shy. A woman looks okay but all men here seem to take way too much care of themselves". Well, he wasn’t totally wrong.
A charismatic man who knows what to wear and when, and knows how to talk and smells good is what charmed a woman. However, looking around the beach, I just saw a bunch of self obsessed Greek Gods who seemed to have fallen from the sky with the sole purpose of taking selfies. They walked around flexing their muscles to get attention, and eventually there will be some woman falling for it.
Another thing I have noticed is that many men now expect women to provide for them. Earlier, the man used to be the provider, at least that was the case where I come from, but now they have started using the notion of equal rights as a mean to make the woman provide for them. I understand not all men have money, and in some cases, women make more money, but it takes to be a man to stand beside that woman and give her all the support she needs. Instead, they feel oppressed and insecure.
Since I have a car, I offered to pick up a guy from work so we can save time. While driving him home, he managed to pick up an argument saying that, "You make me feel oppressed". I didn’t even know how to reply to that. He confused my kindness with oppression.
To all the men out there, yes we want to be independent and to be treated equally, but this doesn’t mean you forget your role as men. It doesn’t hurt if a man shows some etiquette and opens the door for a woman or pulls a chair. If you see her struggle with a bag, you can offer to help. I am tired of hearing m
Another sad thing I notice now more than ever is that men are afraid of commitment. They are much more into having fun and fooling around than being in a committed relationship or marrying. It’s not their fault entirely, let’s be honest with each other. If we women keep giving them easily what they want and have no respect for ourselves then why blame them. Why will a man want commitment when he knows he looks like a Greek God and several women, including friends of the woman he is involved in, will fight to be with him only for a night? I am a woman and I am sad to admit that it is true.
While having pizza at a pool bar, I overheard a conversation between two men.
"I’m tired of all the older women these days."
"Why?" the other one asked.
"They are too much drama. Why don’t you call me, why do you come late? Why this? Why that? Why? Man I’m tired. They are so desperate to have a relationship that they don’t realize they suffocate you."
"True." the other one agreed.
"In fact, I don’t need to chase a woman….why? I haven’t got time for that. Why will I do it when there are plenty of women that throw themselves at me?"
It infuriated me to hear their conversation, but I had no choice.
Recently a man told me, "A man is like a fish, let him swim in the water but don’t capture him."
My good friend told me:" I prefer to be in an arranged marriage, at least I have the assurance nobody has been there before." … after he has been with a different girl every week, he has the nerves to want an untouched woman.
A colleague said, "men are simple, we know we did something wrong, but if you keep bickering daily and try to make us feel bad, it makes us want to do it more and more."
Once I was shocked of a guy who wanted to see me every day. After a month of driving to see me and almost frighten me into thinking he is a stalker, he disappeared for one day. I was thinking he is hiding in the bushes somewhere around my house to spy on me. When my mind was making up all kinds of scenarios he called me and said, "Do you know how much money it cost me to drive all the way to see you?" if you haven’t got the money to cross the street, don’t demand from a woman to pay for you when she wasn’t even asking you to do so in the first place. Stay at home, watch a movie, it will be cheaper and save you the time and hassle.
It is not entirely a man’s fault for behaving the way they do even though they should have the principles, but some blame has to go on the women for allowing them to behave the way they do. By all means, work out and take care you yourselves but don’t forget to be a man. Don’t be superficial. A woman wants to be complimented and looked at and not to see a man standing in the mirror more than she does and admiring himself and waiting to be complimented.
I’m not trying to tell anyone how they should behave or what’s right or wrong here because it is not my place to tell anyone; I have done my share of mistakes.
Very few men these days are willing to say what they want and make it clear from day one, and they prefer to lie in order to get what they want.
What I wrote here is based on my personal experiences, findings through discussions with other men and lastly experiences of my friends, and if any of you think I am wrong, please leave a comment. Let the world know what a woman wants from a man or if you are a man reading this, what do you want from a woman.
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